Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Event 4

On Saturday 12th,Feb2011, I went to the International center and attended the Sizzlin' salsa spectacular. They were singing in Spanish language. They sang different songs. It was a new experience for me. Many of American people were there and danced on the Spanish music rhythm. I noticed the American people like Spanish music.

* Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture for this event. I think my daughter delete it.



  1. So did you learn some Spanish words? Did you dance, too? It is ok not to have pictures (Yes. I trust you.) Just tell your daughter not to delete your pictures any more! Adios!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for this confidence. I met there a teacher of ELC who asked us dance if we can, but I told her I can't. I don't know anything about Spanish language.
    Thank you teacher.
