Sunday, April 3, 2011

Meeting (Social security number) 12

I went to meeting on Wednesday MAR 30 this meeting was about (how can any students in msu get social security number) in Erickson hall from 4 to 6 pm.

Actually this meeting was wonderful because all attend this meeting were from international students with some students of united state, firs I did write some information about me, second I listening to person his name mark I think he is working in social security number .

This person talked about work system in united state also what is social security number, how can any student get to social security number.

In the end meeting and lecture was we should answer about one question (why you want social security number) my answer was I want social security number because I want runt any car and buy new car also was a lot of things request social security number.

I think this meeting was good for me .

(Aziz. F)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your finishing 12 evens! I hope you enjoyed many of them and also learned a lot of English as well as American cultures. You will need a SSN in the near future!
