Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Event

This picture was for me and an American man who i forgot his name!! and he has two nationalities: American and Canadian. I asked him some information about Canada state and Sante jhone city exactly because my young brother live and study there . He told me it is far of here about to 16 hours. He talked about many cities in Canada and he described life and weather there.

Thank you teacher for every thing.

Abdullah Aljabar.


  1. What is this event?
    It looks like a coffee hour, but I want to make sure that this is not the same coffee hour as the one that you posted as the 11th event before I give you a point.

  2. This was in coffee hour. You can notes my name on my shirt, but you are not sure because the audience less than usual. 

  3. Congratulations on your finishing 12 events. I hope you learned not only English but also some American culture. Which event did you enjoy the most? I hope you will keep enjoying attending events.
