Thursday, April 21, 2011

International Coffee Hour 11

The meeting was held on Friday, March 18, 2011. As a usual it was funny and helpful meeting. I met with Binyamin from Switzerland. I asked him about the watches that manufacture’s in Switzerland. We talked for long time about Switzerland specially the Switzerland’s watches. During our conversation our friend ALtremethy from Nigeria joined with us. He told me he is professional in taking photos, so I gave him my cellphone and asked him to take photos for us (me & Binyamin) unfortunately 50% of it were bad resolution. I chose the best one and type it with this article, so what do think about it Mr. Nobi?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good picture. But Binyamin will probably not be satisfied with it. He will take his own camera out of his bag, and shoots great pictures of you.
