Saturday, February 26, 2011

coffee shop in international center (5).......

I went to Comic drama on friday Feb 19 2011 by topic make own smile, there is a lot of students msu goes to union, Watch a comic play, There is ten students representation all person for 15 minutes, was talk about (Sleep in class, Parsimony some students,Where is you go in weekend, How is know new friends in university).

There is a lot of topics very important was talk Comic all people there, Were so happy and fun because Comic drama was so funny, All people were there of old man and children.

I hope attend again to here in next week ....

(Aziz .F)

coffee shop in international center (4).......

I went to coffee hour on Friday Feb 18 2011, was attended a lot of people and student of all the world, I was talk with Roberto he is from Spain and master student in msu your major Chemistry, in the beginning ask him about the weather in Michigan and snow and he is dont like the cold because he always sick, and he He tell me that the weather in Spain nice in the the summer a littel of heat Lasts for five month, and in the winter there is a little of snow with rain lasts for three month but it is be beautiful weather, after the weather he is tell me about soccer in Spain what is best club and player was he loves Barcelona club and missy.

after that he talk about stadiums there is a lot of big stadiums in Spain example: Stadium Real Madrid club, Stadium Barcelona club, stadium Valencia club.

was nice talk with Roberto about Spain ..

(Aziz .F)

Friday, February 25, 2011

5- coffee hour

on friday , feburary 25

I went today to international center building at room coffee hour and I meet many student of my class so out the class , They were drinking coffee and eating some sweeting . Also I talking to some student , but I talking more with sdudent his name I thing his name mil I from Korea he studen in MSU his magor finance . He came here prior to nine month ago , I ask him around waht is company famous in Korea , he told me LG its company produce a lot of machines . Then he ask me what is company famous in the Saudi Arabia? I told him its Aramco company after that we taking about every thing , but A beautiful thing when you find out new friends.

Abdullah Alshammari

Saturday, February 19, 2011

4-cffee hour
I beleive other us able express in english, perhaps you ask how? I will tell you I beleive all of us his own way so in other words . such as last week , I met some woman in international bulding at room coffee hour from united state , we talked around every thing is like tax so health insurance I agree the topic difficult but I beleive when you talk such as these topic you will use what you of words or vocabulary to reach information other one but in your own way I beleive wonderfull thing when you challenge your self in any field. for example , when I asked her about health insurance: my inquiry to her look like , now I would ask you if you allow me she told sure I told her you should have insurance or no she told me you must have insurance I ask why , she told me to order avoid high cost, I told her do you have insurance do you pay every month for insurance company ? she told me yeah , I ask her how is pay ? she say my father paid the cost insurance , however if boys study has full time their parents a the cost afford in addition if boys up 18 they are afford the cost unless if they have study full time after that she ask me about insurance in my country I told her we not use health insurance because we can go to hospital free.
This weekend also ,I went to international center building at room coffe hour in additon I saw a classmate frindes over there so I met person from Japan his name shinya was nice people I ask him about his major he told me fisheries widlife so he ask me about my major I told him law also I ask him about his favorite he answered he loves play soccer and hunting fish in addition he has black belt after that I ask him about capital country tokyo around expensive it is he say yes expensive like rent
and food he told tokyo more expensive than new york so he ask me about my country I tell him less expensive than tokyo.

abdullah alshammari

No:6 Coffee Hour

At first, I was so tired after hard and exhausting week , But as I said before
"Coffee Hour is like a rest should be every student get it".
At this coffee hour, I was want to know the mystery of cookies in United State , every one I met tell me that it like a tradition or cultural.
In the began , I met two women we talked about the " Girl scout thinking day" , It like a festival will happen on next Tuesday February/22. I registered and promise them to attend.
Then I met my dear friend form India " Abd-albaseer", we talked about the last masquerade , then we agree together to attend the second one , Which will be on next Thursday.Also I met Four student from Iran we talked about the cases in Middle East.
Finally, I went with my friend to Grand River street , We ate the dinner and then go back at our apartments.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

No.(4) Sizzlin' Salsa Spectacular

On Saturday 12th,Feb2011. I went to the International center with my friends. I attended the Sizzlin' salsa spectacular. It was a beautiful dance I like it so much. After that an ORQUESTA RITMO, was provided. There was have free dance lessons too. I tried to learn dancing but I could not.

No.(3) Coffee Hour

On Friday 11th. Feb,2011. I went to the international center to attend a coffee hour with international student. I spoke to more people about diffrent topics. I talked with Jessica about my major and how long I have been in the U.S. Also, we talked about the weather in Iowa state, Michigan state and Saudi Arabia. Then I met many students from Africa and china.


No: 5 Egypt Events

On Wednesday , February/16/2011 There were a conference at Michigan state university-college of Law about the present situation in Egypt, There were many professors , students and Audience.
The conference was for an hour and a half.
The professors analyzed the last events in Egypt,
they gave many expectations, Like, why is that happened? and what will be doing after?.
They gave expectations about the election will be doing in September.
After that the Audience asked the presenters many questions.
Then I talked with professor Bean , I said to him "I don’t Hope any accident or clash will happen in Egypt after all of that".
Really, I am pleasured with that conference.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NO: 3 Venetian Nights

Went in at six o’clock on saturday evening Feb,12,2011 . I and my friend Marwan and Essam was the occasion of Valentine’s day
this is was avery beautiful concert where know us a lot of people from many contries USA and China, India, Pakistan and many of the contries . putting them where one day is valentine’s day .
Today was the happiest day in my life .Ithank the Internation student Association Exrcutiv board
Anyone who has sought in this concert.

NO: 2 Coffee Hour

Iwent in the of Friday to coffee hour where they found a lot of students from all countries and from Indai , China , Cameroon and Turkey .Where you have to speak with two people from India and we talked about Indian films which I love and we talked about Bollywood and about Representative Amitabh Bagajan and about Shahrukh Khun and for his film Om Shanti Om that his story was sad where he continued the dialogue more than half an hour and than went to other people Ispoke with them in other things

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

coffee shop in international center (3).......

I went to coffee hour on Friday, February 11, 2011 was there a lot of students from china, Russian and American first talked with women from america her name Alyssa she is worked in msu was talk about live in michigan with this weather in cold ,rain and snow and after that was talk about safe in lansing and crimes there was talk very nice with Alyssa .
After that talk with Abubaker from Africa he is student in msu he is major math,Spoke about his experience at the University of Michigan, and how is learn English in American roads improve speaking and listening and writing ,then was talk about Egypt after Revolution.

I will have time with my friends in the next Friday international Center ..

(Aziz. F)

International Coffee Hour 3

The third meeting was held on Friday, February 11, 2011. The meeting become after very cold weather last week. Normally that will be main topic for our discussion. I told Dasha from Russian, I came from hot weather to very cold weather that will be hard to me. I shocked when she told me this weather is too hot for her because it look like summer in her hometown “she is from Siberia”. She described how the weather in her hometown, snow storms, winds sound, and the dangerous Bears. I told her please that is enough. I ran away to my friend Mark from Hawaii and asked him to tell me about Hawaii. He told me about the nice weather there and explained the volcanoes. I feel relax with his information. Finally I decided to transfer Listening and Speaking class to Hawaii. So the next class will be in Hawaii, inside volcano to feel warm and enjoy the class there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No:4 Masquerade Ball

there are many events in our life , One of these event come in
once time in the year , It’s called a Valentine , it’s special for lovers.
I was attended a party in Marriott Hotel about this occasion.
It was a wonderful night , I met many International student
and a American native , in addition My friends , I had enjoyed
for four and half hour , In fact it was loud music therefore I felt a headache , But really I was enjoyed with my friends , I will be
attend like these events any time I can.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Work shop (2)

i am went to Workshop at Wednesday, February 9th 3:00-4:30 Location: ANH 1279 title Drugs and America, Was talking about drugs and OPIOIDS And types In the United States and then we were talking about the influence of drugs on human health The number of marijuana users in the United States in 2009, some 14 million,Also from the topics why some people use drugs and marijuana, i know there is a lot of drinks having caffeine looks more there is a lot examples we should not drink any thing don't know what is end was talk about Sanctions of use drug ,also was topic very well and attended a lot of students.

(Aziz. F)

3- best coffee with best conversation:

Actually, within these days we are living important political events. will be the subject of discussion between the pros cons , I expect the conversation will be entresting about the subject
in addition when you speak around topic you going reluctant to speak , so you going benefit to speech also you going to use all the vocabulary that you have.
I went yesterday to the international center building room coffee hours so I met some people talked with them about specialization weather after that I met awomen from united state talked with her around american tax so insurance .
she asked me about events in Egypt I told her Actually what we saw of demonstrators it is erupt result 30 years from pressure on citizens , we talked more around that.
was wonderful conversation.

abdullah alshammari
3 -Beast coffe withe the beast converstion



No:3 Wondreful Day

Every day we are learning something different in our life, This is a really a marvelous and amazing.
I want to tell you one of these days , It’s yesterday.
on Friday 02/11/2011 I went to International center like every Friday but this day was wonderful because I speak with more comfortable with American’s Pair "Stuart and Jessica" .
We talked about the events in Egypt , The conflict and the Dispute between the protester people and the regime "the Government", We were so happy to discussed that , We exchanged Viewpoints.
Then I met many students from many countries , Like : China , Pakistan and Japan
In summary this day have many wonderful relation and important topics.

Monday, February 7, 2011

No.(2)Coffee hours (1)

On Friday 4th. Feb, 2011. I went to the international center to attend a coffee hour with international students. I met Aroslan from pakistan. He studies MA in electrical engineering. He was very friendly. He talked about his major, how hard it is and what requirements are needed for students to be accepted in the program. Also, He asked me about my major, I told him that I study at Elc now and will study MA and Ph D in Microbiology. I liked the event and I will attend many times.


Music concert

It was my first try for attend American's activity. That was break dance on Jan 29th 2011 at international center. In fact I didn't like music concert and I didn't attend any concert before. Culture of American is diverse and Americans have great interest in music, so I felt excited to attend that concert. Two player of guitar shared and presented songs that acquired admiration of the audience. Generally it was not bad experience.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

International Coffee Hour 2

The second meeting was held on Friday, February 4, 2011.
I was standing and talking on my cell phone with my friend from Egypt about the current events in Egypt. Suddenly emerged from the crowd man with huge body and walking towards me. At first I wanted to escape because I thought he was sent by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. He said hello to me (in Arabic) my name is Alexander from Belarus. When I heard what he said I breathed deeply and thanked God he wasn't sent by the Egyptian President. He told me he is a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics. After a long discussion on the mathematics we went together to our friend Ken Chester from the United States of America, and once again the economics of Michigan State dominated on our conversation. My friend Ken told me he is optimistic about the future especially in the tourism and mentioned to me the beauty beaches on the Great Lakes and how it will attract many tourists. Before the end of meeting my friend Kevin Roeder told me he is from Chicago and he love it so much and described to me how it beauty, so I decided to go with him, because of that excuse me I have to leave now and see you in next meeting.

coffee shop in international center (2).......

I went to international center Friday, there are was many students from American, east Asia and Europe in MSU, I met with Mustaf from Uzbekistan was topic debate about how is international students life in msu, problems , live , tradition and values different here, after that debate about international students life we went to drink tea and coffe, was with us student MBA in msu his name frank has speak to us about roads the true for Success in study, coffee shop in this week was very wonderful usually this coffee shop every Friday of 4 to 6 pm.

I will go to coffee with my friends every week for know a lot from friends here. I want from friends my class attend this coffee really it is very wonderful .

(Aziz .F)

No:1 Nice Play

I went in Friday at 8:30 pm to MUS union to attend
the theatrical was not know what theatrical been noodles -cultural -comedies when theatrical started with at 9:00pm after starting theatrical i know that the comedy theatrical .
I didn't understand all words that uttered .Because of that accent different as well as his words quick .
it been fun bit i hope at he end of paragraph i learn English language so i can participate in such these theatrical with out hesitation .i hope at the end of this semester that i can learn the language by help my mentor and the rest of my colleagues in the class

No: 2 Great cultures

Greeting to all...
A different cultures are natural and beautiful thing in our world.
We can learning that by easy way,Which is make conversation with others.
Yesterday I was attend to Coffee Hour, I met many student from different country.
In the first I met nack, She is student from Colombia, we talked about the convergence between her country and mine, I knew from her how much her country make a famous by producing coffee and banana.
After that I met students from China they were so lovely, we were talking about Chinese new year and different calendar they have, then we were talking about Chinese skillful in other productions.
Finally I was making a short dialogue with two student from America and another one from Uzbekistan and also from Pakistan and India.
In summary that Day expressed the beauty of
different cultures, It’s a great and wonderful day, I hope to attend this event every Friday.
Thankful MSU to making this opportunity for student to meeting together.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No.(1) Beat the Breaks off Dance-a-thon!

On 29 th Jan, 2011 in international center, I attended with my friends 'Break Dancing' show. First, a singer came from Ohio state, introduced himself to audience. Next, he sang many songs. I liked them all and the audience liked them too. Also, two teams were dancing, and challenging each other by showing their skills of dancing. I took this picture with one of the team, I liked the show very much.
