Saturday, February 19, 2011

4-cffee hour
I beleive other us able express in english, perhaps you ask how? I will tell you I beleive all of us his own way so in other words . such as last week , I met some woman in international bulding at room coffee hour from united state , we talked around every thing is like tax so health insurance I agree the topic difficult but I beleive when you talk such as these topic you will use what you of words or vocabulary to reach information other one but in your own way I beleive wonderfull thing when you challenge your self in any field. for example , when I asked her about health insurance: my inquiry to her look like , now I would ask you if you allow me she told sure I told her you should have insurance or no she told me you must have insurance I ask why , she told me to order avoid high cost, I told her do you have insurance do you pay every month for insurance company ? she told me yeah , I ask her how is pay ? she say my father paid the cost insurance , however if boys study has full time their parents a the cost afford in addition if boys up 18 they are afford the cost unless if they have study full time after that she ask me about insurance in my country I told her we not use health insurance because we can go to hospital free.
This weekend also ,I went to international center building at room coffe hour in additon I saw a classmate frindes over there so I met person from Japan his name shinya was nice people I ask him about his major he told me fisheries widlife so he ask me about my major I told him law also I ask him about his favorite he answered he loves play soccer and hunting fish in addition he has black belt after that I ask him about capital country tokyo around expensive it is he say yes expensive like rent
and food he told tokyo more expensive than new york so he ask me about my country I tell him less expensive than tokyo.

abdullah alshammari


  1. This is long! Great job! So you have met a Japanese guy. Is he an ELC student?
    In my record, this is still your 3rd event. I believe you have gone to four events so far. Please post it whenever you can; otherwise, you will be missing a point.
