Saturday, February 5, 2011

coffee shop in international center (2).......

I went to international center Friday, there are was many students from American, east Asia and Europe in MSU, I met with Mustaf from Uzbekistan was topic debate about how is international students life in msu, problems , live , tradition and values different here, after that debate about international students life we went to drink tea and coffe, was with us student MBA in msu his name frank has speak to us about roads the true for Success in study, coffee shop in this week was very wonderful usually this coffee shop every Friday of 4 to 6 pm.

I will go to coffee with my friends every week for know a lot from friends here. I want from friends my class attend this coffee really it is very wonderful .

(Aziz .F)


  1. Nice Topic and Pictures..Its pleasure when we are learning the other culture and addition
    that make you feeling that you can be going to those country

  2. Hi marwan
    of course this correct i will go in future to these Country >>>>>>>.

  3. You will???
    please take me with you...!!

  4. Nice pictures. I see that you have talked with a lot of people there. It is good that you had a chance to talk about academic success with someone in MBA! I guess I also need to talk to him!
