Thursday, February 17, 2011

No: 5 Egypt Events

On Wednesday , February/16/2011 There were a conference at Michigan state university-college of Law about the present situation in Egypt, There were many professors , students and Audience.
The conference was for an hour and a half.
The professors analyzed the last events in Egypt,
they gave many expectations, Like, why is that happened? and what will be doing after?.
They gave expectations about the election will be doing in September.
After that the Audience asked the presenters many questions.
Then I talked with professor Bean , I said to him "I don’t Hope any accident or clash will happen in Egypt after all of that".
Really, I am pleasured with that conference.


  1. This sounds like a truly educational event. I am curios of what he talked of. I heard that some people died in Libya, too. I hope things will settle down soon. I have a friend in Cairo, so I hope she is ok.

  2. I hope too teacher
    Really we don't like any accidents or clashes will happen again
    So let us pray to God for safe them and all who we love
