Saturday, February 5, 2011

No: 2 Great cultures

Greeting to all...
A different cultures are natural and beautiful thing in our world.
We can learning that by easy way,Which is make conversation with others.
Yesterday I was attend to Coffee Hour, I met many student from different country.
In the first I met nack, She is student from Colombia, we talked about the convergence between her country and mine, I knew from her how much her country make a famous by producing coffee and banana.
After that I met students from China they were so lovely, we were talking about Chinese new year and different calendar they have, then we were talking about Chinese skillful in other productions.
Finally I was making a short dialogue with two student from America and another one from Uzbekistan and also from Pakistan and India.
In summary that Day expressed the beauty of
different cultures, It’s a great and wonderful day, I hope to attend this event every Friday.
Thankful MSU to making this opportunity for student to meeting together.


  1. Hi marwan nice words.
    can you make conversation with me for my language
    faster than american people but in arabic.....

  2. hahahha>>How is that doing man??

  3. It sounds like you really had a great time there, and truly enjoyed the event. Great. This is a great place to practice English conversations and get to know a lot of people from different backgrounds. So keep going!

  4. I will my teacher..
    thank you so much for your comment
