Friday, February 25, 2011

5- coffee hour

on friday , feburary 25

I went today to international center building at room coffee hour and I meet many student of my class so out the class , They were drinking coffee and eating some sweeting . Also I talking to some student , but I talking more with sdudent his name I thing his name mil I from Korea he studen in MSU his magor finance . He came here prior to nine month ago , I ask him around waht is company famous in Korea , he told me LG its company produce a lot of machines . Then he ask me what is company famous in the Saudi Arabia? I told him its Aramco company after that we taking about every thing , but A beautiful thing when you find out new friends.

Abdullah Alshammari


  1. Again, in my record, this is your 4th, not 5th event.
    LG is a famous worldwide company, but I am sorry to say that I don't know about Aramco. What does it make?
