Sunday, February 13, 2011

No:4 Masquerade Ball

there are many events in our life , One of these event come in
once time in the year , It’s called a Valentine , it’s special for lovers.
I was attended a party in Marriott Hotel about this occasion.
It was a wonderful night , I met many International student
and a American native , in addition My friends , I had enjoyed
for four and half hour , In fact it was loud music therefore I felt a headache , But really I was enjoyed with my friends , I will be
attend like these events any time I can.


  1. I always wonder why people play music so loud at parties in the US. It almost makes me think that they do not want to talk to each other. I usually need to yell to talk to people. No wonder you had a headache!

  2. Yes I agree with you my teacher...
    really I don’t like the loud music...
    thank you for comment

  3. BTW, did you change the picture?

  4. Really .. yes because it didn't clear
    I will return the old one
