Saturday, February 12, 2011

3- best coffee with best conversation:

Actually, within these days we are living important political events. will be the subject of discussion between the pros cons , I expect the conversation will be entresting about the subject
in addition when you speak around topic you going reluctant to speak , so you going benefit to speech also you going to use all the vocabulary that you have.
I went yesterday to the international center building room coffee hours so I met some people talked with them about specialization weather after that I met awomen from united state talked with her around american tax so insurance .
she asked me about events in Egypt I told her Actually what we saw of demonstrators it is erupt result 30 years from pressure on citizens , we talked more around that.
was wonderful conversation.

abdullah alshammari


  1. I believe this is your 2nd event, right? Please make a title as Marwan.
    So you talked of tax and insurance? These are difficult yet important topics in the US. I am curious what she talked about.

  2. I have four evnts other of picture n my cellphone
