Thursday, March 31, 2011

Men's Bowling league 10

On the next day Wednesday March 9, 2011 I went with Ahmad to Men's Bowling league in Lansing. As a yesterday it was competitive league between the professional players. This day really I am lucky because I spoke with one of the best players in this league (Peter); he taught me how to play? What is the best ball for me specially its weight? And how to catch the ball, and how to throw it? The other reason he is from Finland because our teacher Maike told us in class that the education system in Finland is the best in the world. However when I asked him about that he didn’t know anything about that.

Men's Bowling league 9

On Tuesday, March 8, 2011 I attend to the Men's Bowling league in Lansing (close to the Capital Airport). It was competitive league between the professional players. I went there with my friend Ahmad ALnuaimy from Qatar. He is professional player in Qatar national team. I spoke with his trainer (Coach Davie) he told me how is Ahmad good player and how is he developing his skills. Really it was competitive league.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

coffee shop in international center (11).......

I went to international center on Friday MAR 25 2011 there was a lot of international students from different country (India- Pakistan- South Korea- china- united state- Middle east).

In the began I talk with person from south Korea his name SungMo Pietro student medical in MSU, I ask him about south Korea students in msu how their numbers and what is their majors and he is answer me there is in MSU about 450 students from south Korea, most students studied in university bachelor and some student studied master and PHD, most students their majors medical business, computer since and engineering.

Then I ask him about what different between education in south Korea and united state and why a lot of south Korea students they are wants travels to united state for study so he answer me I think that education in south Korea always in evolution constant and there is a lot of university in south Korea, so some students wants know on new language and culture .

In the end meeting I was so happy because see in coffee hour and drink coffee with him .

(Aziz. F)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hello my friends, How are you?
yesterday on March,26 I went to Derborn, Michigan with my friends to attend a discussion about the relation and knowledge between Iraqis and Americans students, this meeting was so important to promotion this relation and cooperation.
The presenters talked about many thing like, role of students in them country, and how can they help them government to rebuilding and improve infrastructure and they talked about the role of youth in Middle East and how can they effect and influence on them government then there were meeting between us and many important figures.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

No 7: help student class

This from the most important events this is because this event helps me.I think this class helped me to exercis in english i thank who helped me in this lesson, such as Matt Perlick . I hope through this class to learn a lot in addition to the class the main . I hope that throughthis additional to the lectutres and through mutual to learning to learn language quickly.


I and my friends Hafiz ,Aljabar and Aziz f went to international center building we arrived to room hours coffee at 5:00 pm . After that all of us began looking someone different his languge order to talk with him or her about what he knows m of English words because of all us would like develop his skills , about me I talked to someone from michigan about weather what would like weather snow or sumer he told I think all peaple here like sumer after I sked him around favorite sports he say I like golf
then we talked somethings aws the hours coffee fantastic becasue I tlked more.

Abdullah AL shammari

Dena Elian international relatiens Palestian- American
I went on wednesday , March 23 with my friends Aziz and mansor level 2-3
to event for palestnian so was there a lot of food like rice, meat , salad , sweet and falafl then I met girl she study at MSU so I sak her where are you from she told me palestian but I am born in united states she asked me where are you from I told her I am from saudi arabia , she asked me you know dance palestian I told her no exactlly but I little know after that begining dancing palestnian but wea that event

Abdullah Alshammari

Friday, March 25, 2011

No.3 Mask: Secrets and Revelations in Museum

Today after class Sherry and I went to MSU Museum to watch the event about Mask. The event is a birth , or a wedding , or and initiation to adulthood , or installing a chief , or a funeral , or commemoration of a religious holiday . The common element is the gathering of people , to share in the happiness or sorrow , and to bond through common activities that complement the event , such as preparing and sharing food , making decorations and interacting through song and dance . This event let me know some history about the Mask , and I also talked with the worker in the Museum and she told me mask is also very famous in the modern world , I am so excepting to attend a mask party.

No.2 NBA Games Pistons vs Heats

Yesterday I went to Auburn Hill to watch a NBA games . This was Detroit Pistons vs Miami Heats . At last Miami Heats won this game . It is normal to see because Heats has Lebron James , Devin Wade and Chris Bosh. A lot of people likes Heats in this games , but for Pistons they also love it because it's from Michigan . During the game , I talked with an American who named Kevin. He loves basketball very much, he loves Wade best so he came to the Palace of Auburn Hill to see his favourite player. I also enjoy this game because it's my first time to watch the live of NBA in America. I'm exciting to watch again.

Workshop on Wednesday

This Wednesday I attended to the workshop in Anthony Hall . This workshop was done by Jim , who was my teacher in last semester. This activity is about learning English through song. During this , Jim played the guitar with singing the song and he also sang some famous songs for us . And he told us some stories about the songs and the history of these songs. He taught us how to sing these songs and asked us the first different language song in our childhood. He thinks that singing a song can encourage us to learn the different language , I think so. So I think I need listen to more English songs to improve my English .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

coffee shop in international center (10).......

I went to coffee hour in international center on Friday MAR 18 2011 there is a lot of people from different country for example (Nigeria- china- Korea- Japan- middle east- united state) really there was a lot of students so in the began I talk with person his name Hassam from Tunisian , also he is Arabic teacher in MSU .

I ask him about why a lot of people in united state they want learn Arabic language, he talk some people learn Arabic because they should take some classes in Arabic for study in MSU and some people want learn Arabic because improve their skills in languages .

Then I ask him about Arabic language difficult for American students or possible for any person learn this language, he tall me any new language in the world not easy so we should a lot of study and practices every day with another people and save many new words every day also there is many people learn Arabic then they are very well now so if any person want learn any languages.

Actually was talk wonderful and helpful for me with Hassam and I take his account on facebook and I will see him on next Friday.

(Aziz. F)

Chicago River’s Trip 8

This trip was in March 7, 2011. It was wonderful; we were about 50 persons in the ship. The tour guide explained to us for two hours about the history of the city and most famous landmarks. We saw the high buildings and the Drawbridges it were beautiful. Actually each high building has story, how old is it? Who is the owner? Who is the designer? How many floors? What are the good and bad things in it? The most things attractive me is the tour guide’s memory, how can she remember all of this information and numbers? She didn't use paper or anything to help her, just talk from her mind.

Men's Bowling league 7

On Friday, March 4, 2011 I attend to the Men's Bowling league in Lansing (close to the Capital Airport). It was interesting; I met with Lansing society old and young people. For example I spoke with Steven about the bowling for long time. Actually I was happy when he told me he likes soccer more than bowling, also he told me the young people in United States begins likes soccer more than others sports.

International Coffee Hour 6

The meeting was held on Friday, March 4, 2011. Really it was fantastic meeting. I met with Lee from South Korea/Japan. Actually I am not kidding when I said he is from both South Korea and Japan because he has two nationality Korean and Japanese nationality. His father from South Korea, and his mother from Japan. Unfortunately Lee will lose his Korean nationality because Korean government has a law that he must enroll to Korean army for three years and he told me he can't do that because he need to study in United States. However I think he a good person and he can succeed in his life.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The sound of music

Today, I went a concert of Schubert, the very famous and most talented Austrain composer - Franz Schubert. Even his solo piano songs are popular and world- wide famous, I like his opera better than others. So, today, I was so lucky I can enjoy a great concer of Schuburt which hosting by a great tenor and a good korean pianist Yuli Kim. The tenor song about 8-9 songs of the great masterpiece of solo tenor by Schubert.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

No.2 Music of Schubert (The Trout)

Today I went to Music Building to attend a concert parformance . It is about the music of Schubert. The tenor is Nils Neubert and the piano is played by Yuri Kim. During this event I heard a lot of famous songs , for example Fruehlingsglaube , Der Einsame , Nachsteck and so on . I think it's a very interesting concert , everyone is very quiet . I think this event can cultivate my taste and relax. So it's very useful. By the way , I talked with an American about the Schubert because when I was a child , I have played piano for 3 years so I am interested in the concert .

No.3 Hi my classmates

         Happy weekend for all. In 2/11 I went to coffee hour. It was there employers' Bank Of America for open account in Bank Of America,  for who is want to. I met student from USA, he is studying PHD Science. He told me about  beautiful nature place in USA. It is Grand Canyon Arizona in Arizona State. He encouraged me to go there.


No 1 Harry Potter and the Deayhly Hallows

Yesterday , March 18th , I went to 105 South Kedzie to watch the movie Harry Potter 7. I saw this event on the UAB . This was my first time to watch this movie, so I am very exciting. This is the part 1 of Harry Potter and this summer part 2 will be published . And this movie is about that Harry faces new troubles; he must collect all of the Horcruxes that the evil Lord Voldemort has left behind. He has no idea where these are and he has to destroy them all, even without the faintest idea how to do so. It's an exciting movie and the miracle and insist of Harry moved me.

Bridges international (9)

Hi everyone I went to meet Entitled 'Bridges international' on Thursday mar 17 2011 in Ericson hall, began I saw a lot of people from united state and china then i saw person from china he is talked about his program in msu then all people sat with group all group five student and we see short movie about child want buy dog but he is don’t have money after one week the child went and buy this dog just .

After this movie we should on all group write main idea for movie and what we knew about this movie all group with together.

So I talk with my group, I think that child was want freedom for dog, another person of same group he is said that child in movie can't walk for this was want buy small dog .

Also I talk with my group about my country Saudi my city it is name Asir in south Saudi there is a lot of mounts and private culture and tradition also features nice weather in all year .

In the end was this meeting from 7 to 9 pm and be usually Thursday all two week in Ericson hall next to international center, so I will be in next meeting with same group .

(Aziz .F)

Friday, March 18, 2011

No:11 The Final Days "prophecy"

Hi my dears, I want to share a new information with you,
before tow days ago, my apartment’s door knocked by some one, I opened it, there was a girl, she was has ad, this announce about the relation between the last event in Japan and Middle East from side and the old civilizations in other side, she invited me to attend this meeting in Church so I went today at 7:00 pm, When I arrived the presenter was talking about the prophecy of Babylon kingdom between 605 to 539 DC then he talked about Greece civilization between 311 to 168 BC, then he talked about Rome civilization and the predictions about the events which is happening now, Really I was interesting about that because I want to know about this quickly events in the world, maybe I persuaded about the relation between the predictions and those events.
Finally I met three student one of them was from Kenya, second one from Malaysia and tow girls from America, we talked about these ideas and know sharing our ideas together.

No:10 Coffee Hour

Hello every one, how are you doing?
Today I went to International Center as usual to meet a students from every where, when I went there I met Zach he is an officer at Department of Residence Life.
At first I introduce my self, my major , and my country, then we talked about Nowroz holiday, because there were many student from Iran talked about that holiday so I describe this festival to him because in north of my country in Kurdistan’s Region, the people there make Celebration, they kindles a fire as a sun Eid, after that I asked him about many thing in MSU, Like I asked him" How many international student in MSU"? He told me that over 5000 student here and probably 40000 American student in this university,
Then I met a friend his name is hatan I knew him
before in Collage of Law, we talked about the methods for studying and how can I know more thing about Law before I beginning academic study, I took many advices from his experience.
In summary it was a
gorgeous day as usual.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

No:7 bowling

I found out new place its called bowling.
On tuesday ,Mar 15 11 at 8:00 pm I went with my friends Hafiz and Aziz to hall the bowling when we arrived to bowling we did not see many people over there after that I told to friends why we do not see many people there? they told me maybe they come and went, I think no but I would like ask someone here . Actually , I asked somebody from michigan around people , why I did not see many people here? he told me yeah , beacuse the a lot of people coming here on weekend then I ask him do you came here everyday ? he answered no but, when I have free time I come here so I often days here then he asked me do you know play this game ? I told him yeah when I was on my country I played it.

Abdullah AL shammari

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bowling game (8)

I went to the Bowling game on Friday, Mar 4th, 2011. There were a lot of people who came from different parts of the world.

Actually I went with my friends, hafiz and mrwan to bowling then I talk with some people there from united state and ask him about Bowling game how I can play this game, he tell me bowling game very easy but we should for this game a lot of practice every day with your coach .

Also bowling game can anybody play bowling in any weather summer and winter because play inside building .

Also I see many people there old men and younger men plays bowling game and really so nice place and can anybody go to bowling game in anytime it is open all week from 9 am until 12 am .

I will go to bowling game and play with my friends there in next week .

(Aziz .F)

No:6 snowboarding

on satrday 19th feb 2011, I went with my friend abdullah to hall snowboarding at 10:pm .Also we met many friends there so all people there were enthusiatic for skiing then I met to somebody from Michigan in the snow boarding , I ask him around this sports, DO you know how skiing on the snow ? he answered me , yeah i know skiing on the snow becuse i love this sports i used play this sports ,I asked him does or is this game easy or difficult , he answered depends on person himself, he asked me do you skied on the snow before? I told him no I believe the skiing difficult for me but, i going to try when took shoes to skiing so put on and enter the hall snow I fell down two time however relly I like the skiing in addition I am going to learn this sports.

Abdullah Alshammari

Monday, March 14, 2011


The Poetry competition was held on Friday, February 18, 2011. It was the first time I attend to SLAM Poetry competition, officers it was too difficult to me to understand what happened and what they talk about it. In fact some American friends helped me to understand that. They explained SLAM Poetry to me it is how to say and act the poetry by body language in the same time. Actually it was interesting competition.

coffee shop in international center (7).......

I went to the coffee hour on Friday, Mar 4th, 2011. There were a lot of people who came from different parts of the world. Soon I started to talk with a person from united state, whose name was Chadd Dowding. He was student in msu his major Medicine He was a student in MSU and his major was medicine.

In the beginning I talked about the old buildings and facilities in MSU. He introduced me many old buildings in MSU for example the Museum and Library buildings. Then I told him that there were many old buildings in the Middle East, such as Pyramid in Egypt and Madian Saleh in Saudi Arabia. There were many tourists come to the Middle East to see them.

In the end, I went to drink some coffee with chadd .

(Aziz .F)

International Coffee Hour 4

The meeting was held on Friday, February 18, 2011. I can call this meeting a political meeting because the political events dominate on meeting. I spoke with Ameer and Ahmad from Iran about the recent political events in Iran. Ameer told me he agree and support the change in Iran. He explained to me why Iran need to change and gave me several reasons support his idea. Ameer asked me about Saudi Arabia I answer him that Saudi Arabia fine and I hope it still fine for ever. Before the meeting end Dasha from Russia said hello to me and asked me where is your son? I told her he is at home then she told me don’t come to this meeting without him. I have to follow the rolls so I will bring my son as I can because he is famous in this meeting.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

No (7) "The World's Most Animated Hypnotist"

On Saturday 26th, Feb,2011. I went to the International Center with my friends. I watched a comedy show about (Hypnosis). The hypnotist Joshua performs some action in which he demonstrate the audience by influencing their minds. It was nice ,but I could not belive that.


No (6) Frozen fifties Festival

On Sarurday 19th, Feb 2011. I went to the Munn Ice Arena with my friends. I attended skating carnival. Carnival was fantastic. It was for the first time I went to skating place. Unfortunately, I didn't continue skating because it was difficult for me. It was nice experince.


No (5) coffee hour

On Friday 18th. Feb,2011. I went to the international center to attend a coffee hour with international students. I spoke to many students. I met Taghleb, student from Jordan, who is studying Ph D at MSU. I talked with Taghleb about his major. I realized that he is studying the same major of mine. we talked about his studying on the major and how long is studying of ph D.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 : Coffee shop in international center

on friday march 9 th , I went to the international center building at room coffee hours then I met some friends overthere after that , I drink coffee so some of sweet . Also I met some one from India his name Cricket I ask him about his field he told me about that he study food science and he ask me about my field I told him I study now English after that I will enter acadmic in specialization law, we were talking about weather .

Abdullah Al shammari

Activity 3

Hello everyone, I hope to you wonderful days. It was coffee hour that about meeting be every Friday. I went to it on 3-11 and met many of students. There I tried to practice withe each one. I noticed most of them very friendly. It was nice coffee hour.


No:9 F.T.B

Hi every one , how are you, as I promised you before, I went to Bowling gym yesterday with my friend Ahmed to learn this game and to know more thing about it, first, i think you are waiting eagerly to know what is these letters ((F.T.B))mean, I was decided to let you guess, but I will tell you now what's it mean, it's mean"Fun throwing ball", this is my shortcut, I played it with more mistakes but I was improved from time to time, because this game_as i said before_ dependent on many rules and orders like balance, strong, right moving, focus, and high sportsmanship.
In the same time this place is more better to get social harmony with the people, almost all of them are Americans native.
At the end I liked this play and decided to go there as I can.
By the way, I want to say I am sorry for this bad resolution in my camera's phone.
I am waiting your comment my friend, especially my teacher's comment.

Activity 2

On Feb 4th, 2011 I attended coffee hour activity. It was a great place. I met there a lot of people from different countries and cultures. I talked with Pakistanis, Iranians, and Americans about several subject, also we discussed about our study, our plan for future and the current events in the world. I really enjoyed there and absolutely I will visit it more than once.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

NO: 6 Default ad

I went wtih my friend to the center of international students where was agreed with some friends who participate in this event and they are required work on the default ad for a computer this announcement is very beautifal i have been involved with them in his work and put forward same ideas such as writing submitted in the form of an arc. Work contined on this announcement at obout one hour.Then publication of the annuoncement and photo.

coffee shop in international center (6).......

I went to the coffee hour on Friday, Feb 25th, 2011. There were a lot of people who came from different parts of the world. Soon I started to talk with a person from India, whose name was Zubin Abraham. He was pursuing the PHD degree of Electrical Engineering.

Our conversation started with the worldwide use of Facebook nowadays, especially in the US, for some students checked their Facebook several times a day. Besides Facebook, Twitter and Pal talk were popular as well. Then I told him that people in the Middle East normally used Hotmail and Messenger to chat with others. I didn’t have a Facebook account until I came to the US.

So, now I was used to check my Facebook frequently in order to keep in touch with my friends. In the end, I went to drink some coffee with Abraham. What a good talk!

(Aziz .F)