Tuesday, March 29, 2011

coffee shop in international center (11).......

I went to international center on Friday MAR 25 2011 there was a lot of international students from different country (India- Pakistan- South Korea- china- united state- Middle east).

In the began I talk with person from south Korea his name SungMo Pietro student medical in MSU, I ask him about south Korea students in msu how their numbers and what is their majors and he is answer me there is in MSU about 450 students from south Korea, most students studied in university bachelor and some student studied master and PHD, most students their majors medical business, computer since and engineering.

Then I ask him about what different between education in south Korea and united state and why a lot of south Korea students they are wants travels to united state for study so he answer me I think that education in south Korea always in evolution constant and there is a lot of university in south Korea, so some students wants know on new language and culture .

In the end meeting I was so happy because see in coffee hour and drink coffee with him .

(Aziz. F)

1 comment:

  1. i don't remember if I showed the data in the class, but business has been the most popular program among international students. Of course, they are here to make money in the future!
