Tuesday, March 22, 2011

coffee shop in international center (10).......

I went to coffee hour in international center on Friday MAR 18 2011 there is a lot of people from different country for example (Nigeria- china- Korea- Japan- middle east- united state) really there was a lot of students so in the began I talk with person his name Hassam from Tunisian , also he is Arabic teacher in MSU .

I ask him about why a lot of people in united state they want learn Arabic language, he talk some people learn Arabic because they should take some classes in Arabic for study in MSU and some people want learn Arabic because improve their skills in languages .

Then I ask him about Arabic language difficult for American students or possible for any person learn this language, he tall me any new language in the world not easy so we should a lot of study and practices every day with another people and save many new words every day also there is many people learn Arabic then they are very well now so if any person want learn any languages.

Actually was talk wonderful and helpful for me with Hassam and I take his account on facebook and I will see him on next Friday.

(Aziz. F)

1 comment:

  1. It is true that Arabic is one of the most difficult languages for the Americans because they are so different. Similarly, Korean and Japanese are also among the most difficult ones.
