Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bowling game (8)

I went to the Bowling game on Friday, Mar 4th, 2011. There were a lot of people who came from different parts of the world.

Actually I went with my friends, hafiz and mrwan to bowling then I talk with some people there from united state and ask him about Bowling game how I can play this game, he tell me bowling game very easy but we should for this game a lot of practice every day with your coach .

Also bowling game can anybody play bowling in any weather summer and winter because play inside building .

Also I see many people there old men and younger men plays bowling game and really so nice place and can anybody go to bowling game in anytime it is open all week from 9 am until 12 am .

I will go to bowling game and play with my friends there in next week .

(Aziz .F)


  1. Bowling used to be quite popular in Japan. Don't you have it in your country? It is fun but difficult if you want to play it well.

  2. Hi .Nopi

    I Think that bowling game so difficult but I will learn this game quickly because a lot of people here love bowling game. But I don't know that bowling game famous in japan . I want play bowling with you in future
