Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No:9 F.T.B

Hi every one , how are you, as I promised you before, I went to Bowling gym yesterday with my friend Ahmed to learn this game and to know more thing about it, first, i think you are waiting eagerly to know what is these letters ((F.T.B))mean, I was decided to let you guess, but I will tell you now what's it mean, it's mean"Fun throwing ball", this is my shortcut, I played it with more mistakes but I was improved from time to time, because this game_as i said before_ dependent on many rules and orders like balance, strong, right moving, focus, and high sportsmanship.
In the same time this place is more better to get social harmony with the people, almost all of them are Americans native.
At the end I liked this play and decided to go there as I can.
By the way, I want to say I am sorry for this bad resolution in my camera's phone.
I am waiting your comment my friend, especially my teacher's comment.


  1. Looks like you have made a great progress! I am sure this is getting more interesting than before! I played bowling in NYC once, but never played here in Michigan yet. How much did you have to pay?

  2. Its so cheap teacher,
    every game by 3$ with rent shoes for it.
    I hope to play this play with you teacher
