Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No:6 snowboarding

on satrday 19th feb 2011, I went with my friend abdullah to hall snowboarding at 10:pm .Also we met many friends there so all people there were enthusiatic for skiing then I met to somebody from Michigan in the snow boarding , I ask him around this sports, DO you know how skiing on the snow ? he answered me , yeah i know skiing on the snow becuse i love this sports i used play this sports ,I asked him does or is this game easy or difficult , he answered depends on person himself, he asked me do you skied on the snow before? I told him no I believe the skiing difficult for me but, i going to try when took shoes to skiing so put on and enter the hall snow I fell down two time however relly I like the skiing in addition I am going to learn this sports.

Abdullah Alshammari


  1. Judging from the picture, it seems that you skated. But did you skI? Or did you snowboard? These are three different sports!

  2. I have alot of picures spacially , taked my friends to me I tried download but I cannot but I going to try posted.
    thank you
