Saturday, March 5, 2011

No;7 Coffee Hour

Hi every one, how are your weekend, I want to share my event with you, its coffee hour, an amazing event, really i feel every week happy when I attend this event, every week we can know a new information about other students in MSU, this week I shared my information with a students from China, America, and Korea, I learned from my friend Steward, a difference between many word in English language, then i met a students from United State, they want to know many thing about my country and my culture, I was enjoying to tell them about my country, they told me that you are the first one student form Iraq we meet him, really that gave me energy to keep talking with them.


  1. Although I have seen a few students from Iraq in the ELC, I don't think there are a lot of them on campus. So far, all the students that I know from Iraq are hard-working!

  2. thank you teacher I am blushed now
