Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dena Elian international relatiens Palestian- American
I went on wednesday , March 23 with my friends Aziz and mansor level 2-3
to event for palestnian so was there a lot of food like rice, meat , salad , sweet and falafl then I met girl she study at MSU so I sak her where are you from she told me palestian but I am born in united states she asked me where are you from I told her I am from saudi arabia , she asked me you know dance palestian I told her no exactlly but I little know after that begining dancing palestnian but wea that event

Abdullah Alshammari

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice picture! Rather than writing actually what you and she said, try to summarize the topics that you two talked about. That way, you can improve summarizing skills.
