Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hello my friends, How are you?
yesterday on March,26 I went to Derborn, Michigan with my friends to attend a discussion about the relation and knowledge between Iraqis and Americans students, this meeting was so important to promotion this relation and cooperation.
The presenters talked about many thing like, role of students in them country, and how can they help them government to rebuilding and improve infrastructure and they talked about the role of youth in Middle East and how can they effect and influence on them government then there were meeting between us and many important figures.


  1. Congratulations on your finishing 12 events! You are the 1st student to finish all the events. I hope you enjoyed all (or most or some) of them, and learned something new!

  2. Thank you my teacher.

    I will put more posts here because I want to learn and improve my language so if you give me another job, I have no mind.
    Thank you again
